Summer activities/Productive Summer Schedule For Children/Summer routine /Best activities for summer

  • Sewing

So,we love doing we love having a day of handicrafts but this summer the girls wanted to focus on sewing particularly

sewing so they'll go on Pinterest and they'll pick out projects that they want to work on whether it's making stuff

animals making pillowcases uh you name it they'll find stuff to do so it's really fun time they know that Wednesdays are sewing day so we have a little sewing basket in the dining room and they'll take it out and

we'll continue the projects that we left off with um we're also going to be diving into embroidery a little bit more this summer and I'm just really excited for them because sewing is a life skill that not only helps children with the following instructions attention to detail concentration it's just a great skill for the little hands to work on those muscles of the hands it's just a great activity for kids.


·      Drawing lessons:


      Then for Thursday we are drawing youtube lessons so for our for the summer what we're doing is we're keeping this bird book and in this bird book since we have these bird feeders outside the kids have written a list of the birds that they have seen in our backyard and then we're keeping this bird book and we're drawing all of the

birds that we have seen in the backyard one by one with youtube tutorials that are absolutely free for everyone and so whether it's a cardinal or it's a tip mouse it's just chickadee they're drawing these birds and then they're

writing little facts about the birds right next to the picture

so at the end of the summer they're going to have a little bird book of all the birds they've seen in the backyard

and i thought this would be a really neat project to do

with the kids.



·      Cycling:


       Then on Friday we're using that as a bike day so two years ago we  made a goal that we wanted to get our older kids off training wheels and we did so they're already off training rules now we want to focus on just  getting better at biking you know not being shaky just getting really good at biking so we'll take Fridays as our biking day so we'll go either really early in the morning or in the evening because the hot summer where we live gets really really hot so we want to make sure that we go either really early or in the  evening to keep practicing those skills i have heard of people that are adults that do  not know how to bike so i want to make sure that my kids are learning those basic skills swimming biking sewing

right so that is our summer schedule.



Summer checklist


        Now um our kids also have a summer checklist of things that they need to do on a daily basis in the summer so this is our checklist here;


·       Make their bed:


  The first thing that i want them to do is to make their bed in the morning and clear their room and what i mean by that is i don't want clothes on the floor i don't want to mess in their closet i want their best to be made and their rooms to be clean and clear.

I have a checklist so they can go ahead and check it off on their checklist when they're done.


·       Math folder:


The next thing is our math folder so we are keeping these math folders for the kids let me go ahead and bring you a little closer to show you inside of our math holders and

how we are helping our kids with retaining information and working on things that they need to reinforce in the summer okay so these are the folders that I have for my three oldest kids and they only have to do one page a day from these folders I will print this out Sunday night um this particular website I'm using is k5 learning and you can find them for a lot of different grades and you can pick out the things that you want to print out so for this particular child i have single digit addition single digit subtraction i have two digits edition then I have some practice with time telling time and also with counting money as well so that's what i

have for this child she's mainly focusing on addition subtraction money and time just to keep it fresh for her over the summer then this is for my 10 year old and this child is focusing on continuing to multiply with three digits

four digits five digits then we're going on measuring units um and working on conversions then we have uh division with money notation and also dividing decimals um so those are the things that I want her to keep fresh throughout the summer one page a day then for this child I'm having her just focus on multiplication the entire

summer I want her to master multiplication so this is an eight-year-old and a lot of them she knows but I wanted

her to go over and really really drill it in this summer is going by digit so zero then one then two and as you can see the digit is first in order then it's out of order i couldn't find anything like this on the internet.

Thank you

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